Christmas at the Lambert's house this year has been great. On Saturday we braved the mall so we could get the kid's picture taken with Santa. Even though they both have outgrown Santa, it's become somewhat of a tradition to get a picture. They are both excited to start the Santa thing with Masen next year.

After pictures we headed over to Farell's, an old fashioned ice cream parlor. I thought it would be a fun tradition to start while here in Hawaii, but it didn't turn out as idyllic as I had hoped. It is a popular place for birthday parties, and I think every loud, screaming, pre-teen girl in the mall was there having a birthday. It was worse than Chuck-E-Cheese! If we do it again next year, we will have to plan a little better.

Our Christmas Eve day was spent out shopping and catching a movie. Instead of the usual Christmas dinner, we went out to P.F. Changs. When you get a craving for Hot and Sour Soup, what else can you do? The evening was spent chillin' at home. The kids usually get to open one present (which mom and dad choose). Usually they get pajamas, but this year we got them robes. It's just too dang hot in Hawaii. At least with a robe they can shed it before they go to bed.

On Christmas morning I was the first one up. I couldn't sleep, so I decided to start breakfast at 5:30. I wasn't exactly quiet, and I put on the tree lights, and Christmas music. It wasn't until after 7 I went and woke up the kids. Santa brought the kids a Wii, which they were totally excited for. Check out the kids' individual blogs for the rest of their Christmas.

Chris went all out this year for me. He had promised to replace the glider that we got rid of before we moved to Hawaii. He honestly didn't think we would have room for it (wrong). He got me my DREAM leather glider/recliner. I was so surprised, I cried when I opened it. It is supposed to go in the nursery, but I love it so much, I parked it in the living room, where it will stay until the baby is born.

He also got me a Dyson vacuum. I know, I know...many women think this is a horrible gift, but I have wanted one for so long, it was the only thing I asked for. I absolutely LOVE it! And the best part of the present is, that he will do the vacuuming for me ;) How's that for a great husband? I feel so spoiled.

Although the Wii was meant for the kids, Chris has had a blast playing it. He and Dallin are becoming tennis pros, and Corynn has beat him at boxing a few times. I tease him that he got beat by a girl. He has been practicing his golf swing the rest of the day.

Chris also got a chair back massager, which he picked out. He loves to put it on my glider and get a nice back rub. The sounds and faces he makes are hilarious, and it seems like he is in a little pain, but he assures me it feels SO good.
We loved talking to all our loved ones throughout the day. We miss them terribly. I can't wait for a Christmas where we get to be a little closer to family. Until then, we will enjoy our Hawaiian Christmases, with our 80 degree weather, and shorts and flip-flops.
We love the Wii too. It's so fun for the whole family. Everyone cheering each other on. Bowling, Mario Kart and Mario at the Olympics are all favorites in our house.
Merry Christmas Lamberts!!!
Nice chair! I am going to talk to Ben about me getting a rocking chair:-)
Yea for the Wii!!!! The boys got a new game today, Mariokart, and all they could say was that it was just like the one they used to play on Corynn and Dallin's game cube. so I guess that is a success. I love the rocker. Are you getting excited for the bebe?
I love the pic of you sitting in the chair with your built in hand rest(your tummy)LOL!
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