Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Oooh Maaaan!

Why, WHY does stuff like this ALWAYS happen when Chris leaves?! Last week Chris had a conference in St. Louis. I drop him off at the airport Thurs. night, and the next morning, this is what I woke up to. When the police arrived I filed a report, and they dusted for fingerprints. Nothing. Drats. Since nothing was stolen he figures they were going to steal the car. The tint acted like tape and held the window together somewhat, so he figured they gave up when they couldn't get in fast enough. He informed me it only takes 20 seconds for a theif to hotwire a car. If I had a gun it wouldn't take me 20 seconds to shoot them...to hit them maybe.


Missy said...

Oh, I'm so sorry. Not cool when the man of the house is gone. But the gun idea cracked me up because it totally reminded me of your mom and the stories I remember hearing of her taking care of a couple of cats when we were younger.

Amber Jensen said...

Oh doesn't that make you so mad! I'll lend you my gun. We bought one after having two break ins while living in Cleveland - during one of them we woke up to a man standing in my bedroom doorway. That merits a gun don't you think?

Anonymous said...

geeze! It's not your week! First this and then all these plane ticket probs... sorry I had to go in a hurry the other day. I think everyone at the party I was at was tired of eaves dropping on my personal life. :D

By the way... WAY funny quotes. Do you mind if I copy that on my blog. No kids here for funny quotes, but Serena says some funny things sometimes :D

Heather said...

uuuggggghh! I guess you could be grateful you still have a car right?

Lewis Family said...

Grrrr... That makes me so mad. Our car was robbed in Albequerque... smash and grab. So I know how violating it feels. Sorry. Hope it all worked out.