Internet Culture: Why I can't stop reading Mormon housewife blogs
I actually laughed when I read it. Really? People think Mormon housewives are shiny and happy, with perfect lives, husbands and kids? I admit I know some people who put on this persona, but I hope that anyone who reads MY blog will not be so disillusioned. I am just a normal person, who does normal things. I don't have any extraordinary skills or talents. I am not super opinionated, but I'm also not a pushover. I have good days, and bad days. I believe in accentuating the positive, but that doesn't mean there is no negative. I keep this blog as mostly a family journal, since I have given up on scrapbooking. It is also a great way to keep in touch with distant family and friends (many of whom have given up blogging. Hint, hint, nudge, nudge. I'm getting a little lonely in cyberspace). I guess I can rest assured she wasn't talking about me. I'm just keepin' it real.
And just because I believe no blog post is worth reading without some sort of visual aid, here are some random pictures of my not so perfect life :)
Grandma on the trampoline with her grandkids.
I love my life, as messy and chaotic as it sometimes is. I am content to be a stay at home mom, and housewife. I tell my husband that being a stay at home mom is monotonous, yet never the same, boring, yet exciting, thankless, yet fulfilling. I consider myself a feminist in that I believe women should pursue whatever they choose. I choose this. It works for me.
Love the pictures...I think it looks pretty perfect to me!
Interesting article. Kinda made me laugh. Reminds me of this book we're reading for book club called "What our mothers didn't tell us." Basically about how feminists got it all wrong and how woman these days aren't any more happy than they were in the 1950's. I have to give you a little bit of a hard time here, because you talk about leading a normal life, yet you post pics of your fabulous life in Hawaii doing such things as going on helicopter rides! :D Just kidding, I know it's not great ALL the time - I'm sure it rains once in a while! :D
interesting article. The writer is so very contradictory. On the one hand she acknowledges how good she feels when reading the "Mormon Mommy" blogs and how it is their religious beliefs that help them to see the good, yet in the next sentence she says that she'll never invite the missionaries in for hot cocoa. She has convinced herself that she isn't capable of being happy and finding that kind of joy. Sad. I agree with you, however, life isn't amazing everyday. I find motherhood to be the biggest challenge and yet completely fulfilling. My husband is a HUGE support and I wouldn't be as happy without his love. I am able to do what I do because of what he does for our family. I consider myself a feminist-I believe that I can rejoice in womanhood and embrace the divine qualities that we have been given. It is a perfect system that Heavenly Father worked out for us all. If only the rest of the world could see that.
I too read this article and had the same response. Although each of us are as individual and unique as women who are not of our faith, we strive for the same goal. We choose the path we do with an eternal perspective and that makes us happy-- not the crafts, or the collection of vintage dresses or our perfect husbands with square-rimmed glasses;)
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