Monday, August 17, 2009

Colorado Springs, or Bust!

So, most of you know that Chris is a dentist in the Army. The Army paid for BYU, and Dental school, and a 2 year residency in Comprehensive Dentistry. We, in return, owe them 9 years active duty, of which Chris has served 7. So, in two short years we have some major life decisions to make. Do we stay in the Army with the good benefits, 30 days paid vacation, a pretty good steady paycheck, or give it all up and start from scratch, maybe go into debt big time to buy, or even more scary start up a new practice? The Army has had many advantages, but the HUGE disadvantage is that they tell you where you live. I have been drug all over this lovely country, and have seen some amazing places, BUT I miss family. It all comes down to me wanting to live closer to family. And Chris, being the wonderful husband he is, just wants me to be happy. I told Chris the only way I would maybe want him to stay in the Army is if they can get me closer to family, and the closest military installation is in Colorado Springs, Colorado. So, while on vacation to Utah this summer, we decided to take a little side trip to check it out. The drive through the Utah and Colorado mountains was beautiful. We stayed in a cute touristy town called Glenwood Springs, CO. Here is a couple of (not very good) pictures of the kids swimming in the hotel pool. We stayed with our friends the Strattons one night. Our kids were in heaven playing with their best friends from Texas, who had just moved to a suburb of Denver. Here is Brandt and Dallin, with Xander giving them bunny ears. Xander and Corynn have been friends since they were little. I still remember dropping Corynn off at Xander's 4th birthday party, shortly after they moved to Fayetteville, NC. I think we still have the Harry Potter wand she received as a favor. After leaving the Stratton's house (which is beautiful, I might add), we headed down to Colorado Springs. We drove around a little, and ran into this area called Garden of the Gods. There were beautiful rock formations with the Rocky Mountains in the back ground. Shortly after arriving in Colorado Springs, I turned to Chris and told him this was "it." This was where I wanted to live. It was love at first sight. I am smitten! We're going to try to get here with the Army, but in case it doesn't work out, does anyone know of a dental practice for sale, or another dentist looking for a partner?


Mills Family said...

I am sure there are some for sale in Mobile, AL!!!! 8)

Heather said...

Let me know what we can do to help!!!! We'd love to have you close by.

ColeFamily said...

I hope you get what you want as far as locations. Happy anniversary to the both of you (yesterday)!

Sue said...

Do you know Brandon and Tina Johnson? Brandon has a practice outside of Colorado Springs somewhere. I don't know how things are, if he's looking for a partner, but it might be a place to start. Colorado is a fab place to be!